A799 Corroless RF15 Glass Reinforced Topcoat

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Glass reinforced high build urethane alkyd topcoat for application over Corroless primers on such structures as cranes, bridges piping, railings, tank externals, structural steel and mechanical equipment.

  • Custom tinting available in store.
  • Glass reinforced for extra abrasion resistance and increased impermeability.
  • Glass reinforced for longer life.
  • Hi Build Product – minimum applications required.
  • Made in NZ for NZ conditions.

Coverage approx. 8 m²/L depending on application method, temperature, profile of substrate etc.

Apply with brush, roller or airless spray.

Recoat minimum 16 hours, maximum 7 days, unless using over A764 Corroless, then recoat within 12 hours.



